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- Knowledge Base
- D2L Brightspace and Online Course Tools
- Faculty and Staff
- Managing Your Course
Viewing past data for a withdrawn student
- Knowledge Base
- D2L Brightspace and Online Course Tools
- Faculty and Staff
- Gradable Activities
- Quizzes/Tests
Changing quiz restircitions for one or more users in a course
- Knowledge Base
- D2L Brightspace and Online Course Tools
- Faculty and Staff
- Gradebook and Rubrics
How to add categories, new gradebook items and manage changes to gradebook items using the Manage Grades tab in Grades
- Knowledge Base
- D2L Brightspace and Online Course Tools
- Faculty and Staff
- Gradebook and Rubrics
Using the Brightspace grades to drop the lowest or highest grade in a category
- Knowledge Base
- D2L Brightspace and Online Course Tools
- Students
- Gradable Activities
Turnitin is the leading academic plagiarism detector, utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity.