Drop Grades in a Category

Do you have a set of grades in a category and need to drop the lowest or highest grade in a category? Here are the steps to do that.

  • Click Grades
  • Click Manage Grades
  • Click the chevron to open the menu for the category you want to drop the highest
    or lowest grade in.
  • Click Edit
  • Have the Distribute weight evenly across all items selected for the category and
    then enter a number of items to either drop the highest non-bonus items or drop the
    lowest non-bonus items
  • Click Save and Close

To check the status of grades dropped

  • Click Enter Grades
  • As you look at a students grades in the category you'll see any dropped items
    marked with an exclamation point (!). This is the indicator that the item is dropped
    from the students calculated grade.
  • Clicking on the exclamation point (!) will give you a dialog box letting you know
    which category the item has been dropped from.


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Article ID: 148487
Thu 12/14/23 10:12 AM
Mon 2/19/24 9:28 AM