Adding Files to Your Course Content

There are a variety of file types you can upload to your course to post important course content and increase student engagement, including:

  • Word documents
  • PDFs
  • PowerPoint presentations (Note: If you have audio on slides it is best to instruct students to download the file or link to OneDrive)
  • Image, Video or Audio files

D2L Brightspace allows for a range of accepted file types. You can view the full list of accepted file types on the Brightspace Community Site: “What kinds of files can I use for course content?” 

NOTE: While it is possible to upload other file types they may not display correctly so it is best to stick to the recommended file types

Adding Files

Files are added/created under the Module sections of your course page. If you do not have a module already created for the document you are uploading you will first need to create a module.

There are two ways to upload files to a module:

  • Drag and drop your files
  • Upload your files in the content area

Note: Files must be under 2GB to upload into Brightspace

Drag and Drop the Files Into the Content Area

  1. Locate your file on your computer.
  2. Go to the module in your course you want the file uploaded to
  3. Select, hold, and drag your file into the Drag and drop files here to create and update topics field. You will see a Content uploaded successfully message.

NOTE: Your file will appear as a blue topic link on your Module page in Brightspace with the type of file that was loaded below the file name

Uploading Files into the Content Area

  1. Go to the module in your course you want the file uploaded to
  2. Select the button to Upload/Create
  3. Select Upload Files
  4. Follow the prompts to upload your file
  5. Select Add. You will now see the document loaded the same as if you used the drag and drop method