Installing the UDS Client - for HVCC Macs

This article will outline all the steps required to install and use the UDS (VDI) Client on macOS. This is only required if the built-in HTML5 UDS viewer within your web browser is insufficient.

The steps below only apply to HVCC-provided Macs with the HVCC Self Service app installed.

Installing the UDS Client

  1. Open the HVCC Self Service app (/Applications/HVCC Self Service) and sign in with your HVCC credentials.
    • Mac Applications in Finder
    • Mac HVCC Self Service login screen
  2. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop from the available choices.
    • Microsoft Remote Deskopt install screenMicrosoft Remote Desktop loading install screen
  3. Once installed, open Microsoft Remote Desktop (/Applications/Microsoft Remote Desktop) and run through the initial setup. This involves allowing the app to use your camera and microphone.
    1. On the "Help us make your experience better?" screen select "Not now" below the button.
      Microsoft Remote Desktop Usage sharing screen
    2. On the "We need to request access to your microphone and camera" screen, select the Continue button.
      Microsoft Remote Desktop microphone and camera access screen
    3. On the "Microsoft Remote Desktop would like to access the camera" screen, select the Allow button.
      Microsoft Remote Desktop camera access request
    4. On the "Microsoft Remote Desktop would like to access the microphone" screen, select the Allow button.
      Microsoft Remote Desktop microphone access request
  4. Once complete, return to the HVCC Self Service app, and install UDS Client from the available choices.
    • UDS Client Install screenUDS Client install loading screen

Using the UDS Client

  1. Once Microsoft Remote Desktop and UDS Client are installed, go to and sign in with your college username and password.
    • UDS Client Home Screen
  2. Choose a pool that uses the "RDP" option by clicking the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) on said pool and choosing Connections > RDP. There are some pools where this is the default option when selecting just the pool itself.
    • Pool Connection options menu
  3. When prompted, select Allow to open UDS Client through the website.
    • UDS allow open through website screen
  4. The UDS Client will now run. When prompted, approve the server connection by selecting Yes. This will only appear the first time you connect.
    • Approve UDS server screen
  5. The following message will show while connecting to the UDS RDP Session (do not cancel):
    • Service being created screen
  6. Once the service is created, Microsoft Remote Desktop will open, and prompt for your password again. Enter your password, select Continue, then select Continue again on the following certificate prompt.
    • Enter your user account screen
    • Accept security certificate screen
  7. Once this is complete, you are now connected to the UDS RDP Session, and you will see a DUO Prompt. Choose a method to authenticate with DUO, and continue.
    • DUO Prompt Screen
  8. Once DUO MFA is complete, you will see a Windows login screen signing you in, followed by your Windows desktop. You are now signed into the virtual (or physical) Windows machine. The window will open in full screen mode and occupy all of your monitors if you have multiple monitors. To exit full screen, you may move your mouse to the very top of the screen, and click the green button in the top left.
  9. When you are ready to log out of the session, double-click the red LOGOFF button on the desktop.
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Article ID: 151253
Mon 5/6/24 10:43 AM
Wed 5/22/24 1:23 PM