Using Replace Strings

Within Brightspace there are various places you can personalize the information presented to the student. This is done through the use of Replace Strings. Using these you can personalize the information using the student name, content area or course name. 

Places to Use

Replace stings can be used in the following areas on Brightspace: 

  • Course Homepage
  • Announcements
  • Course Module Information
  • Intelligent Agents
  • Brightspace Mail
  • Bulk feedback on Grades

Replace Strings to Use

The following are the Replace Strings that can be used, what they will display and where they can be used. To use place the whole replace string in the area you want that information to use, this includes the brackets { } on either side of the item. 

Note: When using in email the replace strings will only display the information in Brightspace, they will not show in the external copy of the email message

Replace String Description Example Use With
{FirstName} First Name Jane General (all of the above listed items)
{LastName}  Last Name Doe General
{UserName}  Global ID for User 123456 General
{RoleName}  Role of the using viewing the message HVC - Student (Non-Cascading) General
{ExternalEmail}  External Email (For most students this will be their HVCC email, for HS students or other SUNY enrolled students this will be their school email) General
{OrgUnitName}  Name of the Course HVCC Brightspace Training for Students General
{OrgUnitStartDate} The start date listed in the course admin 1/25/2024 Intelligent Agent Only
{OrgUnitEndDate} The end date listed in the course admin (Note: course access will typically end at 12:00am, start of day not end of day) 5/9/2024 Intelligent Agent Only
{InitiatingUserLastName} The last name of the initiating user. User Last Name that triggered Agent Intelligent Agent Only
{LastLoginDate}  The date the initiating user last logged in to Brightspace (does not mean they accessed the course) Date the user last logged in Intelligent Agent Only
{LastCourseAccessDate}  The date the initiating user last accessed the course that sent the agent Last Date of Course Access  Intelligent Agent Only

Use Example

As an example you could create the following as an introduction to the course module


When a student views that content what they will see is