Using Export and Import for Grades

Export Grades

Use the Export to Excel to archive your gradebook, or use to import grades back into Brightspace

This process will download your Grade book setup along with any entered grades for active students in your course. This is recommended to do at the close of each term and prior to making any significant changes to your grade book settings. 

  • From your Brightspace course click Grades on the Navigation Bar
  • Click Export 
    • Under Key Field select Both
    • Under User Details select Last Name, First Name​​, HVC_ID*  
      • If you want Import an exported CSV file do not check the option to export the HVC_ID
      • The HVC_ID field that contains the student H00 number will appear as the last column in your Excel file. You can move that column to the beginning to make it easier to match students when entering grades in WIReD.
    • Select the Gradebook items you want to export
    • Click Export to CSV
    • When the file is ready click Download  
    • Locate the Excel file in your downloads folder or the location you selected to save your file to


Import Grades

The grade book tool in Brightspace is powerful and can help you simplify the grading process along with managing your course grades but if you are tracking grades in Excel there is a way to import those grades to Brightspace.

  • Follow the above process to Export your Grades
    • It is recommended to set up your gradebook already with gradebook item names you want to import back in as this simplifies the process
  • Enter Grades as needed to the Excel sheet either by copy/pasting or adjusting your Excel sheet that you already have grades in to match
    • Column A = OrgDefinedID [GLOBAL ID]
    • Column B = Username [GLOBAL ID]
    • Column C = Assignment Name
    • Column D = Assignment Name
    • Column E = Assignment Name
    • Column F = Assignment Name
    • etc.
    • Column Last =  End-of-Line Indicator [#]
    • Save your completed file as a CSV
  • Return to the Grades page and click Import
    • If needed download the Grades_Sample_Import_File.csv

    • Under Import File select your formatted CSV file that you set up
    • If you have new Gradebook Items in the CSV select the option for Item Creation
    • Click Continue
    • Follow the Prompts:
      • Example:
        If adding new items you will be asked the item type and then the next screen will ask you if it is assigned to a category and how many points the item is worth

      • Preview the Import and click finish