Hiding the Final Calculated Grade
To hide the calculated grade from students so that each time a grade is entered they do not see how that effects their total grade.
- Go to Grades
- Click on Settings
- On the tab for Calculation Options
- Un-check the box:
- Automatically release final grade
- Click Save
- Go to Grades and from the Enter Grades screen
- Click the Menu (chevron) for Final Calculated Grade select Enter Grades
- Check all students (if you have a large class you will want to scroll to the bottom and change to display 200 per page)
- If the column for Released is checked, Click the link to Release/Unrelease and then Save and Close
If the column for Released is already unchecked then students can not view the Final Calculated Grade and you will want to click Cancel
Making the Final Calculated Grade Visible
If the Final Calculated Grade is hidden from students and you want to make that visible
- Go to Grades
- Click on Settings
- On the tab for Calculation Options
- Check the box:
- Automatically release final grade
- Click Save
- Go to Grades and from the Enter Grades screen
- Click the Menu (chevron) for Final Calculated Grade select Enter Grades
- Check all students (if you have a large class you will want to scroll to the bottom and change to display 200 per page)
- If the column for Released is un-checked, Click the link to Release/Unrelease and then Save and Close
If the column for Released is already checked then students should be able to view their final calculated grades.

Entering an Adjusted Final Grade
If you are using Adjusted Final Grade for your course you will need to enter in the Final Grade for all students enrolled.
- Go to Grades
- Go to the column for Final Grades
- Click on the Chevron to open the actions menu for Final Adjusted Grades select Enter Grades

- On the grade screen you will have
- Final Calculated Grade: This is the grade Brightspace has calculated based on either your points or weighting depending on the type of gradebook you have set up.
- Final Adjusted Grade: This is where you make the adjustments to how many points the student received based out of available points in the gradebook. You can use the Final Calculated Grade as your base and adjust as needed based on your calculation methods. The Calculator will give you a pop up screen to select items to use in your calculation as well.
- Feedback: Here is where you can enter individual Feedback to a student regarding their Final Adjusted Grade.
- Released: If this box is checked the student will be able to view the Final Adjusted Grade. If the box is unchecked the student will be unable to view the Final Adjusted Grade.

Showing a Letter Grade To Students
To make a letter grade visible to students there are 2 methods you can use, method 1 is changing the grade scheme to show a letter instead of a percentage and method 2 is adding a new grade book column to show a letter grade.
Method 1
This will change how the Grade is displayed in the Final Calculated Grade Column. For students to view you would need to have in settings the grade released and have the Grade scheme symbol turned on in the Org Unit Display Options.
- Go to Grades
- Click the Chevron to open the menu for Final Calculated Grade
- Select Edit

- For the Grade Scheme select HVC - General Letter Scheme

- This will change the Final Grade Column to show a letter instead of a percentage

Method 2
This will add a text column where you can enter in the letter grade for the student. For students to view you would need to have in settings the grade released and have the Grade scheme symbol turned on in the Org Unit Display Options. If you do not want to turn this option on then you will want to enter in the Letter Grade into Feedback.
Go to Grades
- Click the tab for Manage Grades
- Click the blue button for New, select Item
- Select the item type Text
- Add a Name (Final Letter Grade or something similar)
- Click Save and Close
- Click on the tab to Enter Grades or click on Grades in the Nav Bar
- Click on the Chevron next to the new grade item and select Enter Grades

- Enter the grades for students and click Save
- This image is both the grade page and the student preview where the student can view both the entered grade and feedback for the letter grade