Report an Issue with an Enterprise Operations System

Effective August 2024, given the current list of Banner projects and the number of significant upgrades happening with Ellucian products at SUNY ITEC, we are putting a hold on any new administrative projects that require the Enterprise Operations team.

Exceptions will be:
  • Compliance issues.
  • Critical or down services.

Please use this service to report issues with any products/systems supported by Enterprise Operations. Specifically, if a system is down or you are unable to access it, report that problem using this service. Other examples for use of this service include: not able to find a student in CRM Advise, issues with CRM Recruit applications, missing course enrollments in Brightspace, etc.

Before reporting that a system is down, please ensure that you are connected via Citrix, check your Internet connection, and check if you are able to access other systems