General ITS Help Request

General Service Request/Inquiry

We're sorry you weren't able to find the form you were looking for to request service but you can still make a request by clicking the Request Service button to the right.  Our Help Desk will receive your request and either assist you directly or make sure your request reaches the appropriate team.  Please keep in mind that using this form instead of one of the specific services may require us to request additional information from you in order for it to be resolved or routed appropriately. If you need immediate assistance or would like help submitting a ticket please contact the ITS Help Desk by phone at (518) 629-7364.

How To Request

Click the Request Service button and complete the form.

Request Service

Related Articles (1)

General instructions on using UDS and installing the UDS client if needed.


Service ID: 40735
Wed 11/20/19 11:28 AM
Tue 5/21/24 1:56 PM