Students, Faculty and Staff may access network storage drives on campus by logging into a college computer, or remotely from a personal device by logging into UDS.
The (H:) drive and (G:) drive will automatically map when you log in. If you are faculty or staff and require access to a secure network share, please submit a Network Share ticket request.
Off Campus (Remote) Access
- UDS is used to access a virtual or physical HVCC Windows computer remotely. This allows you to use HVCC-installed applications, see your HVCC Windows desktop, and access your HVCC network files and folders.
- It can be used entirely within a web browser, or with a client installed on a Windows PC or a Mac.
- Get started with UDS
(H:) Personal Drive
When you log on to a computer on campus you connect your (H:) Drive automatically.
You are provided with 1 GB of storage space. You are responsible for organizing its contents and ensuring that you do not exceed the storage allocation. If you exceed the space allocation you will receive an error message when you attempt to log in. If this happens, or if you have any questions regarding your (H:) Drive, contact a staff member at the Computer Learning Center Help Desk in the lower level of Marvin Library.
If you delete a file from your (H:) Drive, it may be permanently lost. Please use caution when manipulating files from your (H:) Drive.
How to Access
Log on to a campus computer or UDS on a personal device. Left-click the Start button at the bottom left of your desktop. Left-click File Explorer when the start menu displays. (Alternatively, you can hold down the windows key on your keyboard and press 'E' to reach the next step as a shortcut)
The Computer window showing all drives, including your (H:) Drive will open. Double click the (H:) Drive icon to view all the folders and files on your (H:) Drive.
How to Save To
You can save your work to the (H:) drive from any of the applications available in the Academic Computing Environment (ACE). It is advisable on a network system to save your work immediately when you open a new file.
For a new file click the File tab and then click Save from the menu. An example, using Microsoft Word. (You could also click the Save icon on the Quick Access toolbar)
Selecting Save will display the window. The default will be the Documents folder located on your (H:) Drive. If this is the folder you wish to save the file to, type an appropriate name for the file in the File name field and click the Save button.
If you wish to save a file to an existing folder other than the Documents folder on your (H:) Drive do the following:
- Locate and click your username (\\storage (H): in the folder list on the left of the Save window (you may need to scroll down to see (H:) Drive)
- You will see the contents (folders/files) of your (H:) drive in the view pane on the right
- Double click to open the folder you wish to save in
- Type an appropriate name in the File name field and optionally you may change the file type with the Save as type drop down
- Click the Save button

If you wish to create a new folder to save to, right-click the white area in the box and choose New->Folder. A New folder is created which you can name. Type an appropriate name for the New folder and click the Open button. Continue to save the document by typing an appropriate name in the File name field and clicking the Save button as described above.
(G:) Common Drive
The Common (G:) Drive is used by faculty to store files for student retrieval. To retrieve a file you must know the path to the file (which folders to open). This path would be given to you by your course instructor.
How to Access
Log on to a campus computer or UDS on a personal device. Left-click the Start button at the bottom left of your desktop, then left-click File Explorer from the menu that displays.
The Computer window showing all drives, including common (G:) drive will open. Locate common (G:) drive and double click.
A window will open revealing the contents of common (G:) drive. Notice the Address bar indicates your current location as (G:) drive.
Locate the file you need by selecting and opening folders according to the path provided by your instructor or the destination you wish to reach. For example, if you wanted to retrieve the architect_controller file, you would need to know the following path: (G:) drive -> Art Gallery -> Flash SWF -> Architect. The Address bar indicates this path.
The files you select will open in the appropriate application as Read-Only. You will see [Read-Only] after the name of the file in the title bar of the application. You have the ability to print this file but if you wish to edit the file or make changes, you must save a copy of the file to your (H:) drive.
To save the file to your (H:) drive:
- Click File
- Click the Save As button on the resulting Info page
- On the Save as Window, click the Browse button to open the Save as window
- Navigate to your (H:) drive and to the folder where you want to save the file
- If you wish to change the name of the file type an appropriate name in the File name field
- Click the Save button
You now have ownership of this copy of the file and can edit as you wish.