Opening a Department Shared Calendar

Personal Calendars: An employee must grant you permission to access their personal calendar, which will send you an invitation email to open it.

Department Calendars: Many department or group calendars are managed through a service account by IIT. These calendars may be added manually once you have been granted permission to them and know the service account email address for the calendar.

Outlook Desktop Software on Windows

  1. In your Outlook desktop software, open your Calendar view.
  2. From the top ribbon, select Open Calendar then select Open Shared Calendar.
    Open Calendar options in Windows Outlook
  3. In the Open a Shared Calendar pop up box, enter the full email address of the calendar you wish to open.
    Open a shared calendar pop up window to enter calendar email
  4. Select OK.
  5. The calendar should immediately appear under your Shared Calendars section on the left menu.

Outlook in a Web Browser (M365)

  1. In a web browser logged into Outlook, go to the Calendar view.
  2. Select Add calendar from the left menu. It will be right above the list of Calendars you have access to already.
  3. In the pop up window, select Add from directory half way down the left menu.
  4. Select your main employee account to search from.
  5. Enter the full email address of the calendar you wish to open.
  6. Choose which section you would like to place the calendar. For department calendars, we recommend placing it in Other Calendars.
  7. Select Add.
  8. The calendar should immediately appear under the section you chose on the left menu.

Apple Calendar on Mac OS

These instructions assume that you have already connected your college Microsoft Exchange account to your Apple Calendar.

  1. Open the Apple Calendar desktop app.
  2. From the top menu, select Calendar then Settings.
  3. Select Accounts from the top menu.
  4. Select Exchange from the list of accounts on the left.
  5. Select the Delegation tab.
  6. Below the "Accounts I can access" content, select the Plus Symbol.
  7. In the Users field, enter the full email address of the calendar you wish to open.
  8. Confirm that the check box under Show is checked.
  9. Close the Settings window. The calendar should now be populated under the Delegates section of the left menu on your calendar.