Securing acadweb homepage with SSO

Map your acadweb homepage network drive

From a VDI desktop or campus computer open Windows Explorer.

Right click the H-OFF machine on the left side menu then select Map network drive... from the menu.

Windows Explorer Screen

Enter \\\shares\homepages\yourusername into the Folder field. Select Finish. A new window will open displaying your homepage directory.

Map Network Drive Screen

At the top of Windows Explorer select the View tab. Confirm that both File name extensions and Hidden items are checked. You will need to be able to see hidden items to enable the SSO.

Windows Explorer View Options


Create .htaccess file

Open a new file in Notepad++. Select File > Save a Copy As

Navigate to your homepage directory by selecting the H-OFF machine from the left side menu. Scroll down to Network locations and then select the \\\shares\homepages drive.

In the File name field enter .htaccess

In the Save as type field change the selection to All types (*.*). This is the very first option in the drop down menu so you may need to scroll upwards to see it.

Notepad++ Save As Screen

Edit .htaccess file

Now that your .htaccess file is created and you can see it in your homepage directory, you can decide how you want to apply the SSO. Here are some basic templates you may copy-paste into your .htaccess file.

It is important to note that while this article outlines how to secure the main homepage directory if you would like to apply SSO to subfolders with different permission levels you can create a new .htaccess file to place in each one.

If you are encountering an issue making any of these work, please open a help request with Web Services for assistance.

Allow any valid college user

AuthType Shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
Require shib-session


Allow only specific users

Note: Each username must be on the same line and space separated

AuthType Shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
Require shib-attr uid h.dickinson s.kevlin w.jojo


Require SSO on specific files

Note: The period between the file name and the extension must be escaped with a single backslash

<FilesMatch "filename\.ext">
AuthType Shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
Require shib-attr uid h.dickinson


Require SSO on multiple files

Note: This is the same as the single file just with multiple filenames pipe separated.

<FilesMatch "filename1\.ext|filename2\.ext|filename3\.ext">
AuthType Shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
Require shib-attr uid h.dickinson


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Article ID: 135541
Wed 9/1/21 9:40 AM
Mon 5/20/24 8:52 PM