There are a number of ways to get technical help through the ITS Client Portal and many useful new features.
Highlights of the New System
- Emailing will automatically create a new ticket for you.
- Replying over email to ticket update notification will automatically log your reply in the ticket itself.
- Attach documents to your ticket as you are creating it and any time afterwards.
- Knowledge Base Articles
- Resolved vs Closed: When a technician marks your ticket as Resolved this does not close the ticket. You will need to confirm that the resolution solved your problem before a ticket is marked as closed.
Using the Knowledge Base
Before you submit a help request, take a moment to search our Knowledge Base for your problem. There may be instructions on how to solve it already!
Browse Articles
- Navigate to the Client Portal at
- Select Knowledge Base from the menu at the top of the site.
- Navigate through the various categories and articles.
Search Articles
- Navigate to the Client Portal at
- At the top right of the site there is a search box.
- Select the globe/arrow on the left side of it to display the search options.
- Select Knowledge Base.
- Enter any keyword to search the Knowledge Base for related articles.
Submitting a Ticket
From the Client Portal Home Page
- Navigate to the Client Portal at
- Select the Submit a Ticket button from the left-hand column.
- Select the Service category that is related to your request. Select the Request Service button on the right of a Service page to request that specific service.
- If you are unable to find what you are looking for, you may submit a General Help Request form and our technicians will route your request appropriately.
Upon submitting your request, you will have the option to view your existing request or submit another one.
Through Email
- Email a detailed description of your request to
- A General Help Request ticket will be automatically created.
Viewing and Updating Your Tickets
- Navigate to the Client Portal at
- Select the View Your Tickets button from the left-hand column.
- On this page you will see all ticket requests you have created or which have been created on your behalf.
- Use the filters at the top of the page to view requests by status, department, service and more.
- Select the Title of the ticket you would like to view.
- Actions you may take:
- Comment on ticket: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Comment button.
- Add Attachment: At the top of the page beneath the ticket title, select the Add Attachment button.
- Withdraw Request: To cancel your request, at the top of the page beneath the ticket title, select the Withdraw Request button.