How do I log into Bookings?
All employees can access their Bookings homepage at:
If you are an administrator or team member of a Bookings page, they may appear under the Shared booking pages section of your homepage.
Search for a Bookings Page
If a Booking page you know you are an administrator or team member of is not appearing on your homepage, you may search for it.
Select the search box to the right of the Shared booking pages section.
Begin entering at least part of the name of the Booking page you are trying to find. A list of all possible matches will load. Note: You do not necessarily have access to every Booking page on the list! If you select a Booking page that you do not have access to, an alert will pop notifying you that you do not have access.
Selecting a Booking page you do have access to will load the Booking page.
Can a team member approve the appointment request before it books it on their calendar?
Services may be set up to respect both the team member's personal Outlook availability and also overall service availability options. We recommend that team members keep their Outlook calendars up to date and the administrator sets the service's availability options to best reflect options.
Can customers book recurring appointments?
No. Each appointment must be individually booked.
Can customers and/or team members receive reminders of their Booking appointments?
Yes. Each Service offering has a Notifications menu option within it. This is where custom Email Reminders can be added.
Can a customer's contact information be attached to their Booking appointment?
Yes. On each service, review the Custom Fields section. Make sure that the "Customer Email" and "Customer Phone Number" options are checked and that their "Required" toggle is green.
This will not update appointments already created, but will require the information to be provided on future appointments.
Can a customer be prevented from booking a specific Service appointment twice in one day?