IIT Wireless Network SLA


1 – General Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) campus community and Instructional and Information Technology (IIT) to document:

  • The general levels of response, availability, and maintenance associated with wireless services.
  • The responsibilities of IIT as a provider of the wireless services.
  • The responsibilities of the clients receiving wireless services.
  • Processes for requesting wireless services.
  • Deviations from the standard processes documented in the IIT Campus SLA.

This Agreement is valid from May 2023. Review is every two years, or as otherwise needed.

2 – Service Description

2.1 – Service Scope

HVCC Wireless allows HVCC students, faculty, staff and guests to connect to the Internet and designated campus services.

2.1.1 – User Requirements

  • Must have a wireless capable computer that supports IEEE 802.11g/n.
  • HVCC username and password are required for access to the secured main wireless network.
  • Users must be faculty, staff or a student from HVCC, or other participating guest to use the wireless service.

2.1.2 – Operating Parameters

  • On the secured wireless network access to some applications is not available.
  • The sponsored and guest network is available only for rate-limited Internet access.
  • Wireless availability is targeted for indoor and outdoor locations where students, staff and faculty gather on campus.

2.2 – Service Level Performance

2.2.1 – System Level

Support response time will be tracked and reported as part of the IIT Campus SLA.

2.3 – Assumptions

Changes to services will be communicated and documented via the IIT Maintenance Calendar and IIT notification process.

3 – Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 – ITS Responsibilities

  • Operate a reliable, robust and redundant network infrastructure.
  • Meet response times associated with the priority assigned to incidents and service requests.
  • Post scheduled maintenance on the IIT Maintenance Calendar.

3.2 – Customer Responsibilities

  • Adherence to IIT Policies and Procedures that address the transmission of restricted and sensitive data over the wired and wireless network.
  • Reasonable availability of customer representative(s) when resolving an incident or service request.
  • Contacting the IIT CIO for additions or changes in established service levels.

4 – Requesting Service

See the IIT Campus SLA.

5 – Hours of Coverage, Response Times and Escalation

See the IIT Campus SLA.

6 – Maintenance and Service Changes

See the IIT Campus SLA.

7 – Reviewing and Reporting

7.1 – System Performance and Availability Reporting

Wireless Network use statistics are available upon request through the IIT Ticket System. These utilization statistics are collected from the various routers, switches, and repeaters comprising the HVCC network.

7.2 – SLA Reviews

The Designated Review Owner is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended as required, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the primary stakeholders and communicated to all affected parties. The Document Owner will incorporate all subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements /approvals as required.

Designated Review Owners:
Kathy Petley, VP of Institutional Effectiveness, and Technology
Bill Jojo, CIO
Chris Cole, Managing Network Engineer
Previous Review Date: May 2023
Next Review Date: May 2025



Article ID: 145085
Sat 4/1/23 8:57 AM
Sat 4/1/23 9:12 AM