The print/image version of the Quick Start Guide distributed to classrooms is attached to this article and may be downloaded from the right side column.
Getting Started
Step 1: Turn on the classroom projector by selecting an input on the Crestron touchpanel
Step 2: Launch your Zoom meeting
Step 3: To share content from the classroom technology with remote students, select: Share Screen > Advanced > Content from Second Camera
You are now ready to present your class in a hybrid setting.
Note: You will notice a video loop if PC is selected on the Crestron. This is normal. To share you PC screen via Zoom, use the built-in screen share option within Zoom.
Zoom Camera / Microphone Settings
In the lower left portion of the Zoom window are the Microphone and camera selections. In addition to the Planar monitor's WebCam (USB Camera) you will also see "USB Capture HDMI". By selecting this option you will present whichever classroom resource is selected on the Crestron touch panel (PC, Document Camera, Blu-ray, etc.) via Zoom.

Zoom Video Settings
Prior to using the 'USB Capture HDMI' camera option the first time there are 2 selections that must be adjusted in Zoom Video Settings:
- Check - Enable HD
- Uncheck - Mirror my video
These settings will only need to be changed the first time you use 'USB Capture HDMI'

Secondary Audio Options
When utilizing inputs other than PC (Doc Cam, Blu-Ray, etc.) in a zoom meeting while using the USB Capture HDMI, you will need to change your zoom “speaker” options in order to continue hearing your Zoom participants when they speak. We suggest using the secondary monitor for this purpose (PXN2490MW)
Secondary Monitor:

Primary Monitor / Crestron System:

Things to Consider
- When selecting 'USB Capture HDMI' as your mic/camera, remote participants see and hear what is happening on the classroom technology, for instance, you can be watching a DVD/Blu-ray in class and remote participants will see and hear that device.
- When presenting classroom technology in a hybrid model, a headset (USB, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) can be used. This will allow you to hear remote students during the Zoom call.
- If at any time you need a remote participant to see or hear you, simply move the microphone or video selection to 'USB Camera'.
- You can mix-and-match these settings to accommodate your needs!