Turnitin Assignments


Turnitin is the leading academic plagiarism detector, utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity.


Guides from TurnItIn

Turnitin is the leading academic plagiarism detector utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity.

Submitting a Paper to TurnItIn & Viewing Results

Any paper with TurnItIn enabled will have an icon at the end of the title indicating that the paper will be checked with TurnItIn

Screenshot of Assignments page with icon highlighted

To make a submission

  • From Gradable Activities select Assignments
  • Click on the Assignment title, follow the instructions for the assignment
  • Upload your completed assignment and submit
  • On the Assignments page you will now have in the column for Completion confirmation that your assignment was submitted
    Screenshot of Assignments page column highlighted

Viewing your submission

  • Click on the link in the Completion Status column
  • Click on the percentage report
    Screenshot of Assignments Submission History page with the TII percentage highlighted
    • If your paper has been graded in TII or has comments from your professor you will find those items on the TII Similarity Report as well. Use the links from TII above for more information on navigating and using TII.



Article ID: 130821
Mon 3/22/21 3:59 PM
Wed 2/7/24 2:15 PM