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Turnitin is the leading academic plagiarism detector, utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity.
You may need to allow pop-up windows or disable them to view websites that are external to Blackboard, such as Publisher Content and Resources.
How to clear internet browser cache.
Learn how to save/export your Google Docs or Pages documents to Microsoft Word or PDF formats so your instructor can open them.
Hudson Valley uses organizations as communication and resource courses.
There’s a lot of information on this page but reading through it can help prevent testing issues. Given the multitude of factors that can contribute to online testing issues there is no way to prevent them completely from occurring but following these steps can reduce the chances.
WIReD is Hudson Valley Community College’s Student Information System which contains all information related to your HVCC student records. All official grades are available in WIReD. This includes course mid-term and final grades.